This goal of this project was to learn how to 3D model an entire vehicle in Maya and create renders in VRED. It evolved into a personal project where I learnt to create a high fidelity movie that showcases what it  would be like to "drive" and autonomous supercar.
This project is based on the research and exploration conducted for the Future of Automotive Enthusiasts project. I identified an opportunity to explore how traditional automotive enthusiasts that enjoy being in control of the vehicle might synergize with autonomous vehicles.
For the design of the Polestar 11, I referred to Polestar's main design elements: "Pure, Progressive, Performance".
Pure; product minimalism. Progressive; scientific innovation. Performance; uncompromised and athletic.
Initial Ideation
I wanted the design of the Polestar 11 to reflect how man and machine is brought together in one package. 
Based on my research from the Future of Automotive Enthusiasts project, I wanted to use AR to realize my vision of this human-machine relationship.
Final Design Sketches
Lighting is one of the most important visual aspects of modern cars, and so I wanted to create a very simple, yet bold and recognizable lighting signature for the Polestar 11.
3D Model and Renders
Maya, VRED
The combination of tight, controlled surfaces reminiscent of architecture, and the more organic surfaces inspired by natural streamlined shapes help to deliver my vision of bringing together man and machine into one package with the Polestar 11.
The vertical fins make the Polestar 11 resemble a Volvo wagon!
The vertical fins make the Polestar 11 resemble a Volvo wagon!
The interior design of the Polestar 11 is all about creating a connection between driver and machine. The exposed suspension components, and Le Mans inspired steering wheel add a feeling of being in a racecar.
Pops of color, ambient lighting, and an expansive structural glass canopy make the interior of the Polestar 11 an exciting and luxurious place to be.
User Interface
Sensors in the interior track the driver's head position to add motion parallax to the UI which is projected onto the windshield via the Augmented Reality Heads Up Display (ARHUD).
An Artificial Intelligence Driver Assistance System (AIDAS) communicates with the driver via the ARHUD to project elements onto the road ahead such as the racing line, braking and acceleration points, and even opponent ghosts, much like what one would see in a video game.
Polestar 11 Release​​​​​ Video
After concluding my project under faculty guidance, I wanted to develop a video that showcases the functionality of the AIDAS and ARHUD systems. The challenge was to create high fidelity driving animations that could be rendered in VRED, and then to superimpose a user interface on the resulting footage.
I wanted to showcase the Polestar 11 in a street setting and in a racetrack setting. These environments were 3D modelled in Rhino.
I used an animation plugin for Maya called Craft Director Studio. This tool provides a workflow by which I was able to create realistic driving animations for the Polestar 11. The same tool was used to create camera animations.
Another challenge with making a video of an enthusiast vehicle is that of sound. I used Adobe Audition to layer sounds of different frequencies to create the electrifying soundtrack of the Polestar 11 for the driving sequence.
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