Team Members
Kevin Correia, Elyse Lee, Shufan Liao, Meijun Liu, Edwin Tanu

My Key Contributions
• Rendering animations for all 3D vehicle models in VRED.
• 3D CAD model and renders for MARV (Mobile Autonomous Retail Vehicle).
• Creating all Unity 3D content for the final video composition.
Project Brief
Redefine a new FCA brand that reflects on the learnings of 2020, promoting Stellantis as a steward of global social and economic sustainability.

Conducted extensive research and opportunities synthesis to drive design ideation for the mobile society of the future.

Problem Statement
"There is a lack of a unified approach towards holistic sustainability through supporting local communities due to social, technological, economic, and political barriers."

Our Vision
Based on the research and ideation, we crafted a story that showcases our vision of a sustainable society that is enabled by Stellantis products.